Death Benefits Booklet

Death is such a grim subject that most of us tend to avoid it as far as possible. However, many members and pensioners are uncertain about what would happen with their pension when they pass away.

The Fund has therefore started compiling Death Benefits Booklets for our various audiences. Each booklet therefore covers not only the Fund benefits payable on your death, but also shows how you can make things easier for your loved ones, and offers practical guidelines for your loved ones on the processes they should follow, after your death.

This version of the Death Benefits Booklet only applies to pensioners receiving a living annuity pension from the Defined Contribution (DC) Section of the Fund.

Below are two versions of the booklet that you can access by clicking on the links:

  • DCPensionerDeathBenefitsBooklet-VIEW is what we recommend members look at first. It has been optimally formatted for on-screen reading. It is also an interactive pdf, for those members who may prefer to fill in and save an electronic copy.
  • DCPensionerDeathBenefitsBooklet-PRINT is for you to print and use after reading the VIEW version. To save your printer’s ink, the PRINT version contains very few of the graphics and solid backgrounds used in the layout of the VIEW version.
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