Pensioner Forms

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Pensioner personal details


Pensioner death


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Life Certificate

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Life Certificate


Nomination form

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Nomination form


Living annuity switch

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Living annuity switch


Disability application (disabled child)

The rules currently allows that if you are a DB pensioner, on your death your mentally and or physically disabled child may be entitled to a life long pension from the Fund, subject to Trustee approval.

Contact the Fund should you have a disabled child.

There are no specific forms to apply for disability, but please note the following Fund Rule and Ruling that apply to disability:
  • Rule A7.2.1 (b) states that “[t]he CHILD’S pension shall cease on the CHILD’S attainment of the age of 18 years, provided that, the pension may continue to a maximum age of 25 years during any period of fulltime formal study at an educational institution approved by the TRUSTEES at their discretion, and subject to such further requirements as the TRUSTEES in their discretion may determine from time to time, and provided further that the CHILD is not in receipt of regular monthly remuneration exceeding a level decided on by the TRUSTEES from time to time, and provided further that, in respect of a mentally or physically handicapped CHILD, the TRUSTEES may, in their discretion, continue the payment of the pension.”
  • Ruling 43, “APPLICATIONS FOR CHILD CONTINUATION PENSIONS BY PHYSICALLY OR MENTALLY HANDICAPPED CHILDREN OF DECEASED MEMBERS”, states that the ill-health sub-committee is permitted to review applications for life child pensions and extend payment where the child is physically or mentally handicapped in line with the following guidelines –
    1. An independent doctor’s report as to the level of incapacity and permanency of the medical condition must be submitted to the Fund;
    2. The Fund’s medical consultant must express an opinion based on the report; and
    3. The sub-committee’s final recommendation as to continuation of a child’s pension must be decided by consensus by all sub-committee members.

    Each case would finally be determined on its own merits and the guidelines above constitute no more than general policy provisions to be applied equitably to each case referred to the sub-committee.

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