Resources for HR staff – South Africa

The Fund has created this dedicated space for HR staff where they can find relevant process information, administrative requirements, as well as forms to facilitate their Fund-related activities.

DC Section information only

Please note that the forms and information on this webpage is ONLY for working members belonging to the Defined Contribution (DC) Section of the Fund. To assist DB Section working members, please visit this page, or contact the Fund for assistance.



Unless specified otherwise, all completed documents must preferably be scanned and emailed to the Fund.

Where original or certified copies of relevant supporting documents are specifically required, these can be sent to the Fund by courier or post, as specified below:
Courier: De Beers Pension Fund, MLA Division, 84 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberley
Post: De Beers Pension Fund, MLA Division, P.O. Box 1922, Kimberley, 8300

New permanent employees together with their HR department must complete and sign the required registration forms. The signed forms with all the relevant supporting documents (birth certificates, identity documents, marriage certificates, etc.) must be submitted to the Fund within 7 (seven) days of commencing employment.

When any change occurs in the member’s circumstances (address change, contact details, email address) the member must complete and send the DC4 to the Fund for updating as soon as possible.

Members who would like to make AVCs to their Fund credit can complete a DC10 form and submit it to their HR/Payroll department for processing.

Members are automatically defaulted into the Fund’s Life-stage investment model and may request to switch their Fund credit and future contributions into another life-stage portfolio by completing the DC17 and submitting it to the Pension Fund.

In terms of the rules of the Fund, when members die in service and there is an eligible spouse, and children under age 25, the death benefits will be allocated per the rules. Under certain circumstances benefits are allocated in terms of Section 37C of the Pension Fund Act and in these circumstances it is advisable for members to complete the Nomination of Beneficiary form (DC2) and Members Declaration form (DC3), in the event that it is required. The courts and the Pension Fund Adjudicator have held that any nomination made by a member is not binding on the Trustees; it serves merely as a guide to the Trustees and is one of the relevant factors that must be considered by the Board in arriving at an equitable distribution. The forms together with supporting documents (birth certificate, marriage certificate and identity documents) must be submitted to the Fund for updating of your records.

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Death Benefit Nomination

On application for a disability benefit, HR must complete and submit the full signed set of documents as per Sanlam’s Instruction Letter. In all instances of submitting disability claims, please copy Steyn Enslin ( The application form is to apply for a monthly disability income benefit. To obtain an Afrikaans version of the claim form, contact Sanlam Group Risk at Fax number (021) 947-3207 or E-mail address

There are two different sets of documents that are required to be completed on the death of a working member. HR is required to complete the forms and submit one set to the Fund and one to Sanlam.

To be completed on the death of a working member and submitted to the Fund:

To be completed on the death of a working member and submitted to Sanlam (copying Steyn Enslin) and the Fund.
Sanlam email addresses to be used:

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Submit to Sanlam and the Fund

Also submit a copy of the deceased’s final payslip, as well as a certified copy of the deceased’s ID.

*Please note that section D of the funeral claim form must be completed to enable Sanlam to issue a certificate that will show which dependants are eligible for funeral cover. HR should then send this certificate to the applicable dependants.

Before you assist a member wishing to withdraw from the Fund to complete the withdrawal-related forms in this section, such a member should first obtain approximate calculations from the Fund regarding his/her withdrawal options. Please complete and submit the form below to arrange for such approximate calculations.

On resignation, dismissal or retrenchment, HR and the member must complete the termination forms and submit these to the Fund for processing. HR must ensure that the member indicates clearly the option selected, and that the forms are signed. Should the election by the member not be clear on the form completed, or any documentation required is not submitted, the member’s status will automatically be defaulted to that of a deferred pensioner in terms of the rules of the Fund.

Before you assist a member wishing to retire from the Fund to complete the retirement-related forms in this section, such a member should first obtain approximate calculations from the Fund regarding his/her pension options. Please complete and submit the form below to arrange for such approximate calculations.

To be completed by both the Employer HR and the member upon retirement. Should the election by the member not be clear on the form completed, or any documentation required is not submitted, the member’s status will automatically be defaulted to that of deferred pensioner in terms of the rules of the Fund.

Complete one of the following retirement forms, depending on the member’s choice (DC14, DC15 or DC16)

The funeral benefit is applicable to the spouse/life partner and qualifying children. HR is required to complete the funeral claim form for the funeral insurance benefit to be paid out timeously.

Please email Sanlam on, copying Steyn Enslin (, and the Fund.

Please note that funeral benefits are only be paid to a nominated beneficiary in terms of new legislation and, where there is no nominated beneficiary, to the estate of the deceased. This means that if you do not nominate a beneficiary to receive your funeral benefit (in the event that it is you who passes away), the funeral benefit will be paid into your estate and might not be available to help your family cover the funeral costs in good time.

To make things as easy as possible for your loved ones, we urge you to complete the Sanlam Beneficiary Nomination Form, and hand it to your HR Department, as soon as possible. A copy of this form can be emailed to the Fund for record-keeping purposes.

HR to complete the DC13 form when a working member transfers employment from one De Beers operation to another De Beers operation.

The Fund will develop this section on an ongoing basis, based on feedback and queries received from HR.

A member wishing to retire or withdraw from the Fund should first obtain approximate calculations from the Fund regarding his/her options by completing the form below:

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